Comment: The prior post was meant for Joy and Humor. This one is very serious. This is impressive on what France is doing about drones!
Baptiste Friscourt·December 16, 2024
After passing through the base’s gate, a transport takes us to the base’s operations center. On the front door, a red and yellow poster indicates the procedures to follow in the event of drone detections on the base and stresses the importance of capturing them without destroying them, presumably to recover the data and conduct the investigation.
These airborne resources are also supported from the ground. Against miniature drones that evade radar, Defense forces rely on visual lookouts and sensor data synthesis equipment, enabling optical and electromagnetic detection to converge through artificial intelligence, distinguishing allied platforms from unknown or even hostile ones. Aerial surveillance platforms contribute to data collection that allows the Command Center to “see” everything.
During these missions, Fennec pilots carry a team leader and a specialized gunner from the Air Special Forces Brigade, capable of disabling or destroying a drone in flight. To detect them, the Fennec can be equipped with optronic cameras, and its crew with near-infrared (night vision) and far-infrared (thermal vision) detection equipment.