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Meetings & Reunions

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National Meetings

AAFM Members have gathered every two years, with the first National Meeting in 1994 in Colorado Springs.  Since then, AAFM has met in Santa Maria, CA (1996 and 2002), Melbourne, FL (1998), Colorado Springs, CO (2000), Omaha, NE (2004 and 2016), Cheyenne, WY (2006 and 2018), Washington, DC (2008), Tucson, AZ (2010), Great Falls, MT (2012), Shreveport, LA (2014), and Salt Lake City in 2022 after the 2020/21 meeting was cancelled due to COVID.

AAFM traditionally meets in a city near a military installation with a mission relating to missiles and nuclear deterrence.  The agenda includes one full day of briefings and tours at the nearby base, a day and a half of local area attraction tours, a golf tournament, a general membership meeting with briefings on a wide range of topics relating to missiles and missileers, and four dinners.  Two of the dinners feature keynote speakers, usually senior Air Force leadership.  Meetings are usually in October but some have been held in May.  The number of attendees is usually around 300, with more than 600 attending the 2012 meeting, which was a special commemoration of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the first Minuteman alert.

View Past Meetings

Local Area Meetings

AAFM occasionally conducts smaller meetings at bases or cities during visits for other reasons.  The local area meetings normally include an update on AAFM activities and a chance for missileers to gather.  The last was in Omaha in December 2014.  Members are advised by email and mail when these meetings are scheduled.


AAFM encourages unit reunions and those related to a specific system or specialty.  We recommend that unit reunion planners combine their events with our National Meetings, and let AAFM make all the arrangements for rooms, tours, meals and unit meetings.  A number of units have conducted their reunions as part of our National Meetings over the last few years.  Contact AAFM if your unit is interested.  AAFM can also provide member lists for specific units, systems or specialties to help planners contact potential attendees.

To be listed on this page, send your reunion information to  We can work with you to set up a registration form and other functions.  Let AAFM know early of your plans, so we can include them both there and in the newsletter.

Mailing address:

6167 East 155th Place
Thornton, CO 80602


The Association of Air Force Missileers

is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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