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Illinois State Senator recognizes former Missileer of the 487th Tactical Missile Wing

  • 13 Nov 2023 13:19
    Message # 13278853   (part way down on the page is the actual post and video)

    In recognition of Veterans Day, I would like to give a special shoutout to a close friend of our office, Andy Ruggerio. In September of this year, Andy made a return trip to the place where he was stationed in Sicily to participate in the 2023 Reunion, which commemorated the 40th Anniversary of the Activation of the 487th Tactical Missile Wing (TMW).

    ❤️ Thank you for your service, Andy, and for all you continue to do for our community!

     God Bless You!

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6167 East 155th Place
Thornton, CO 80602


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