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AAFM National Meeting registration extended to Friday, 9 September

  • 08 Sep 2022 16:00
    Message # 12911632

    National Meeting registration extended to Friday, 9 September

    The AAFM National Meeting will be held next month in Salt Lake City, 5-9 October 2022. Registration, the lowest in decades, has been extended a few days for those who are still thinking about attending. Our agenda includes Minuteman and Sentinel tours, presentations by AFNWC, 20 AF, Los Alamos National Lab, and NNSA. We’ll roll out our new logo and pay special tribute to the 60th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. If you are still interested, please go to to register by Friday. We'll be sending out a survey in October to talk about future meetings and locations

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 1767

Monument, CO 80132


The Association of Air Force Missileers

is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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